IMPORTANT: The closing date for receipt of applications for the 2025/26 school year is October 25th

Parents Council

 Constitutin of the Parent Advisory Council

The constitution of the Parent Advisory Council as agreed on at a general meeting of the councils on November 24th 1975.

  • To further the Catholic and Educational Objectives of the School.
  • To act as an advisory body on major school issues.
  • To defend the right of voluntary denominational school to exist and claim parity of treatment with state – run schools in a pluralist society.
  • To keep parents of pupils attending the school informed of the problems of running a voluntary school and of current educational trends.
  • To involve Parents actively in all aspects of the education of their children.
  • To inform and consult parents regarding school policy, plans and activities. However, the Association does not involve itself in matters relating to the internal administration of the school.
  • To encourage parents participation in promoting the well being and interests of the pupils of the school.
  • To encourage parents to organise adult education courses of interest.
  • This body shall be known as the Mean Scoil Iosef, Ballybunion, Parents Advisory Council.
  • Membership shall be confined to parents and guardians of pupils attending St. Joseph’s Secondary School.
  • The St. Joseph’s Secondary School Parents Advisory Council should endeavour to have representatives of parents from each of the classes in the school.
  • Membership of the St. Joseph’s Secondary School Parents Advisory Council shall be ratified at the Annual General Meeting, which is open to all parents and which is held each October.
  • Officers of the St. Joseph’s Secondary School Parents Advisory Council shall be Chairman, Vice Chairman, Treasurer,Secretary and public relations officer.
  • All St. Joseph’s Secondary School Parents Advisory Councils officers shall be elected/re-elected at the first meeting of the St. Joseph’s Secondary School Parents Advisory Council after the AGM each year.
  • No office or position shall be held for more than two consecutive years by the same person. An officer can be elected for a third and final year by a majority vote of the St. Joseph’s Secondary School Parents Advisory Council. For this election a majority will consist of 75% of a quorum.
  • Co-option to the St. Joseph’s Secondary School Parents Advisory Council and the filling of any vacancies will be at the discretion of the Council, which shall endeavour to ensure the representation of all classes on the St. Joseph’s Secondary School Parents Advisory Council.
  • The signature of any two of the following officers, Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, shall be required on all cheques over the value of 50 drawn on behalf of the Council. Officers can write cheques up to a limit of 50 without prior approval of the Council. These cheques will still require a second signature. The Treasurer to produce an Annual Statement of Accounts for the AGM each year.
  • Amendments to the Constitution of the St. Joseph’s Secondary School Parents Advisory Council shall be made at the St. Joseph’s Secondary School Parents Advisory Council meetings.
  • Notice of a General Meeting and the Agenda shall be circulated at least two weeks before the General Meeting.
  • An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called at the request, in writing, of the representatives of at least 10% of families of pupils attending the school. The purpose of the meeting must be stated in the written notice, which will be circulated at least two weeks before the EGM.
  • A quorum at a meeting of the St. Joseph’s Secondary School Parents Advisory Council shall consist of four ordinary members and any two of the following officers Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer or 60% of Council members, whichever the greater.
  • The St. Joseph’s Secondary School Parents Advisory Council has the right to nominate the 2 parents representatives to the Board of Management from the St. Joseph’s Secondary School Parents Advisory Council when requested by the Board of Management. The parents representatives shall be one male and one female.
  • No member of the St. Joseph’s Secondary School Parents Advisory Council shall represent the St. Joseph’s Secondary School Parents Advisory Council without a majority vote of the Parents Council.
  • The St. Joseph’s Secondary School Parents Advisory Council shall reserve the right to expel a member of the Council subject to a majority vote by the St. Joseph’s Secondary School Parents Advisory Council. For this vote a majority shall consist of 75% of the quorum.

All Parents and Guardians of pupil’s currently attending St. Joseph’s Secondary School are – together with the Principle – members of the Association.


The business and affairs of the Association shall be under the management of the Executive Committee. An AGM shall be held at the start of each school year for the purpose of appraising all parents of on-going developments within the Association, and to accept nominations for election to the executive at its first committee meeting.


The Association will fundraise using the name of the school, for school authorised activities, only with the authorization of the Board of Management. The Association shall have banking facilities for the purpose of depositing monies from its fundraising activities and shall maintain sufficient funds in its account for the annual administration of the Association.


The committee shall be formed by annual invitation to all parents at the AGM. In so far as it is possible the committee shall be represented by at least two parents of students from each of the Years. Should the number of parents interested exceed 25, then the committee shall be broken into two or more groups and the business/functions of the Association divided between the groups. Each group shall file a report after every meeting to the elected Chairperson of the Association. Members of the Association shall be entitled to sit on committee for as long as they are willing to serve, but only for as long as they have a son/daughter at the school.

The executive committee shall be comprised of:

  • The Chairperson.
  • The Secretary.
  • Two Treasurers.
  • A Public Relations Officer.

The Executive members must put themselves forward for re-election each year if they wish to continue to serve.

Chairperson Duties
  • Oversee all meetings of the Association.
  • Represent the Association at National conference.
  • Report to the school Board of Management.
  • Represent the Association at C.S.P.A meetings.
Secretary Duties
  • Prepare the agenda’s for every meeting.
  • Prepare and circulate the minutes of meetings.
  • Represent the Association at C.S.P.A meetings.
Treasurers Duties

The Treasurers shall furnish the committee with an up-to-date statement on the finances of the Association at each meeting. It shall be the responsibility of the elected Treasurers to provide the Bank with the necessary documentation to become a signatory. Signatories to the Association account shall be the joint Treasurers and the school Principle of the day. All payments made from the account of the Association shall have a minimum of two signatures.

Board of Management Representatives

The Committee of the Parents Association shall organise a canvas of all parents for nominations for the election of two parents representatives to the Board of Management of the school. Elections shall take place every three years. Parents elected to serve on the Board of Management are automatically entitled to and encouraged to attend the meetings of the Parents Association. Their role at these meetings is to brief the Association on the non-confidential areas of Board of management business which is of relevance to Parents and for the purpose of furnishing Board of Management meetings with a report on the activities of the Parents Association.

In agreeing to serve, parent members of Boards must put aside a representational role and assume a management role with responsibility for overall management in the school.


Activities in consultation with the Management in the school, the Association shall undertake to organise fundraising activities for specific projects that are beneficial to enhancing the education and well being of the students.

Changes to Constitution

Alternations to the constitution may be proposed at the Annual General Meeting, provided that at least three weeks notice has been given to the Secretary. No alterations shall be deemed carried unless with the approval of at least two thirds of the voting members present.


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